Month Revenue Amount Year-on-Year Increase (Decrease)
1月 5,419,759 34.04%
2月 3,227,472 -28.81%
3月 5,001,504 -18.01%
4月 5,028,895 -0.40%
5月 5,113,069 -7.57%
6月 5,226,087 -4.71%
7月 5,019,074 0.10%
8月 5,622,020 8.16%
9月 5,367,441 -2.61%
合計 45,025,321 -3.10%
(Unit: Thousands NTD)
The above revenue data are based on the data announced and reported to the Taiwan Stock Exchange by Primax each month. The final revenue data is as published in the CPA-certified financial report.