Sustainable operation and organization

Primax has established the ESG Office under the authorization of the Board of Directors, Primax has established the ESG Office under the authorization of the Board of Directors, with Vice General Manager Chiang, Yan-Ying as the convener. The ESG Office aims to implement corporate governance, promote sustainable environmental practices, uphold social welfare, and enhance information disclosure as the four key aspects of corporate sustainability development. To address the economic, environmental, and social impacts, the ESG Office has formed three subcommittees: Corporate Governance, Green Operations, and Social Care. These subcommittees collect external advocacy information related to the economic, corporate governance, environmental, and social aspects that are relevant to the company's operations. They are responsible for engaging with stakeholders, aligning interests, and prioritizing significant issues based on the outcomes of stakeholder engagement. The ESG Office presents the corporate vision blueprint to the Board of Directors, formulates relevant policies, systems, or management guidelines for corporate sustainability, and subsequently obtains the Board's approval for specific implementation plans.

Organizational Chart of ESG Office

ESG office 組織圖


Sustainability Governance

The ESG Office reports to the Board of Directors semi-annually, providing updates The ESG Office reports to the Board of Directors semi-annually, providing updates on stakeholder communication, significant events and disclosure topics, greenhouse gas inventory conclusions, annual execution plans, and more, prior to the publication of the sustainability report. The specific implementation plans are then approved by the Board. At the end of the year, the ESG Office reports on the achievements of the planned executions, risk assessment results, and corresponding measures. This demonstrates the company's strong commitment to implementing sustainable development. In 2022 , the Board of Directors held a total of 10 meetings. On June 7 , during a board meeting, the ESG Office presented the Primax Group's sustainability strategy blueprint and the 2022 work plan and progress. On November 4 ,during another board meeting, the ESG Office reported on the annual execution achievements and performance. In June 2023 , during the board meeting, an ESG execution progress report will be presented, including greenhouse gas inventory results, significant ESG issues, stakeholder engagement outcomes, and annual ESG goals.

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Goals and achievements of material issue

Listed below are short-term(1-3 years), midterm(3-5 years), and long-term(5 years above) goals targeting material issues identified by Primax, their achievement rate, designated action plans, and unquantifiable achievements. Their completion status are represented with the following icons:😃Target achieved 🙂Target to be achieved 😐Target not achieved。

Corporate governance 【Material Issues: Integrity in Operations, Corporate Governance】

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Management of operational development 【Material Issues: Economic Performance】

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Risk management 【Material Issues: Risk Management, Climate Change Measures】

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Privacy and Cybersecurity management 【Material Issues: Customer Privacy, Cybersecurity】

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Climate change adaptation and management【Material Issues: Climate Action】

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Sustainable Supply Chain Management

【Material Issues: Supplier Environmental Assessment, Supplier Social Assessment, ChildLabor, Forced and Compulsory Labor, Controversial Procurements (Conflict Minerals)】

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Human Rights【Material Issues: Labor relations, diversity and equality, labor rights】

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Talent Management

【Material Issue: Talent Recruitment and Retention, Talent Development and Cultivation】

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Safe and healthy workplace management

【Material Issue: Occupational Health and Safety, Local Community】

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