Direct Emissions and Energy Indirect Emissions (Scopes1 and 2)
The Company's GHG emissions inventory inspection was completed for theThe Company's GHG emissions inventory inspection was completed for the first time in 2013 . Presently, 100 % of Primax's global business locations have completed the ISO 14064 - 1 : 2018 GHG emissions inspection. Primax Group's business locations are distributed tin four regions of Taiwan, China, Thailand and Czech, and 100% of the operating activities comply with the local environmental regulations. In addition, we also monitor the local relevant regulatory requirements and promotion trend of international initiative units closely.
According to the GHG inventory results over the years, the major sourcesof Scope1 and Scope2 GHG emissions primarily refer to Scope2 (over 90%by region or over 85% by market). Therefore, Primax's GHG reduction policy focuses on energy management primarily, and then implementation of renewable energy.
Primax Group's Category 1 +Category 2 GHG emissions in 2023 was 33 , 461 . 979 tonne CO2e/year (Market Base), decreased by 8 , 973 . 716 tonne CO2e/year in 2022 or a decrease of approximately 21.15%; decreased by 58 , 361 . 415tonne CO2e/year or a decrease of approximately 63.56% compared to 2019 .Since 2023 , Primax Group has also achieved the predefined goal of reduction of GHG emissions by 60% (Market Base) in 2030 early. We expect to re-establish the Primax Group's GHG emissions reduction goal through the setting and application of SBT long-term net zero goal in 2024 ~ 2025 , and will also continue to implement self-challenge and requirements to achieve the net zero goal.
The greenhouse gas emission intensity in 2023 was 0 . 553 tonne CO2e/million NTD, a decrease by 3.30% compared with 2022 and a decrease by 67.21% compared with the base year of 2019 . In 2023 , the increase in greenhouse gas emission intensity compared to the previous year was mainly due to the inclusion of the emissions of Tymphany plant in Czech Republic and the decrease in the Group's turnover.
In 2023 , the renewal energy certificate offset against 36 , 310 , 000 kWh and 19 , 785 . 585 tonne CO2e, accounting for 40.30% of the electricity consumption.From 2019 to the end of 2023 , the cumulative purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates offset against a total of 57 , 192 . 133 tonne CO2e.
GHG emission statistics of Primax Group in 2023(Unit: tonnes CO2e/year)
GHG emission statistics of Primax Group - 2019~2023(Unit: tonnes CO2e/year)
Note: Adopt the operational control approach for the GHG inventory.
Other indirect GHG emission statistics of Primax Group - 2023(Unit: tonnes CO2e/year)
Other indirect emissions (Scope 3)
In addition to identifying major emission projects and calculating greenhouse gas emissions according to theISO 14064 - 1 : 2018 standards, Primax also conducted the indirect GHG emission inventory under various categories according to the GHG protocol methodology.
In 2023 , Primax implemented the Carbon Management System to help collect and summarize the massive Scope3 data in a systematic manner. Meanwhile, the scope of the inventory included Tymphany plant in Czech Republicand the inventory categories also included the additional items including employee commuting, capital goods andtermination of products, compared to 2022 . In 2024 , Primax will continue to follow the GHG protocol to improve the Scope 3 inventory and meet the data requirements for setting the SBTi's long-term net zero commitment goal.